AllAfrica News: Children and Youth

Friday, September 14, 2007


The day began very early in the morning at exactly 5:30am with vigorous exercises to help refresh both the body and mind. This went on for two hours after which the students were given a break to take shower and prepare for breakfast which was served at 8:00am.

After tea, the classes resumed at 8:30am with a word of prayer from one of the students. The facilitator gave a chance to one of the participants who took the students through what they learnt yesterday and after that she introduced them to the topic of the day which was about the Journey of life. This topic was taught using the tree of life where every part of the tree was found to be having a particular function. The students also learnt about self esteem, levels of self esteem, and different aspects of self esteem. The students were divided into groups and given work to do.
The group then went for lunch at 1:00pm.

Immediately after lunch, the students learnt about decision making, key steps of decision making and types of decisions and how to make good decisions. They were also taken through relationships and how to make healthy relationships and also learnt about conflicts and how to resolve conflicts.

The day ended with group work where by the students were required to at least share their lifetime experiences. After this the students were served with 4 o’clock tea and thereafter given time to rest and prepare for supper which was served at 7:00pm.

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